EPMA participates in the implementation of ,,Building LIFE capacities in Lithuania”, ,,Optimization of Natura 2000 Network management in Lithuania”, “Replacement of Inefficient Biomass-based Boilers in Households” and “Installation of Facilities for the Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources” projects as lead partner or partner. 


EPMA is implementing EU technical assistance projects. Technical support funds enable to improve working conditions for the employees engaged in the administration of the EU support.

At the moment EPMA is implementing the following EU technical assistance projects:

1) Project The Implementation of Functions Assigned to the Environmental Projects Management Agency to Administer EU Structural Assistance  (Project No. 11.0.1 – CPVA – V – 201 – 01 – 0015).

Implementing this project EPMA aims to ensure and efficient management, monitoring, control and audit of the Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in 2014-2020. As well the project will focus on maintaining administrative capacities and skills, developing and improving competence enhancement.

2) “The Publicity of the Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in 2014-2020″ (Project No. VP3-4.2-FM-01-V-01-001).

Implementing this project EPMA seeks to ensure that the society is well informed about new investments under 2014-2020 programming period, as well to increase the public understanding of EU investment in Lithuania so that people could understand and see how EU investments help to solve environmental problems.

More information here 



The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.

Project goals:

  • make a better use of the LIFE programme by supporting on – going and closed projects and to make sure that the results of successful Life projects are disseminated and used widely
  • develop Lithuania’s capacity to submit quality applications for funding under the sub – programmes for Environment and Climate action.

More information here 


Project mission

To ensure the full protection of the Natura 2000 network, the most valuable natural areas in EU. Thus, we will preserve the ancient woods, wetlands, grasslands, other habitats and their naturalness, which has surrounded Lithuanian people from ancient times.

Expected changes in conservation status of species and habitats:

  • improvement of the conservation status of at least 19 species of Community interest (19% of all species nationally reported)
  • positive changes in the conservation status at least 18 habitat types of Community interest (33 % of all habitat types nationally reported under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive)
  • improvement of population trends of at least 23 bird species (11% of all bird species reported under Article 12 of the Birds Directive).

More information here


The project is being implemented within the framework of measure 04.3.2 – LVPA-V-111 “Replacement of Boilers in Households”, attributed to the 4th priority according to the Operational programme for the European Union funds‘ investments “Promotion of Energy Efficiency as well as Production and Use of Energy from Renewable Sources”.

The project is aimed at increasing the energy consumption efficiency in households.

The objective of the project is to encourage households to replace inefficient biomass-based individual boilers with more efficient technologies (heat pumps, biofuel pellet boilers matching Class 5), thereby reducing the primary energy consumption for heat production and hot water preparation in households, which are not connected to the heat centralized supply system.

It is planned that the replacement of old boilers with new individual boilers and other more efficient technologies will allow by more than 40 percent to reduce the amount of biofuel that is currently individually consumed by households. At the same time, air pollution will be reduced – there will be less particulate emissions due to the lower biofuel consumption.

The project is financed by the EU Structural Funds (Cohesion Fund).

The project value is 15 mln. EUR. 


The project is being implemented within the framework of measure 04.1.1. – LVPA-V-114 “Installation of Facilities for the Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in Households”, attributed to the 4th priority according to the Operational programme for the European Union funds‘ investments “Promotion of Energy Efficiency as well as Production and Use of Energy from Renewable Sources”.

The project is aimed at increasing the production capacity and use of domestic electricity produced from renewable sources.

The challenge is to encourage the implementation of technologies using the low energy (up to 10 kW) produced from renewable sources for the production of electricity for household needs.

It is planned that by the year 2023 approximately 49 MW production facilities consuming low energy (up to 10 kW) from renewable sources, which are intended for the production of electricity for household needs, will be installed in households. An additional increase in production capacity of energy from renewable sources by 49 MW will increase the reliability of the electric energy system, and consumers will produce energy independently and efficiently (losses in electric energy production will get reduced) without polluting the environment.

The project is financed by the EU Structural Funds (Cohesion Fund).

The project value is 17 mln. EUR. 

Our mission is to ensure reasonableness, efficiency and rationality of environmental investments.